Wednesday, May 24, 2006


I had a personal victory yesterday. I've mentioned before how I feel about spiders, so you can imagine how I might react to seeing a large-ish spider crawling across my desk from the vicinity of my elbow.

Surprisingly, especially to myself, there was no screaming and shedding of tears. Instead, I grabbed an empty water bottle and slammed it upside down on top of the spider. It wouldn't make the effort to climb up the side of the bottle that I had hoped it would, so I had to continue working with the little beast sitting in front of me, trying to type gently in order to not tip the bottle over.

This morning, it had climbed to the top of the bottle, so I slowly tipped it over and screwed the cap on. For someone who usually can't be in the same room as a spider, even if it is in a tightly sealed container, that was huge.


At 5/26/06, 12:20 PM, Blogger Jade L Blackwater said...

I am both impressed and shocked, especially at the choice of images! I had to scroll past and copy your text just to read the post. :)

I'm really bad about spiders... the little ones and garden spiders, fine... but anything big or remotely big-bodied is just too much for me! I have been known to stay out of entire sections of the house all day until a certain party comes home to dispense with a spider.

I know that they are wonderful creatures and do important things for their respective ecosystems, but I shudder to so much as think of a big spider!

Three cheers for you! It's a life long goal of mine to find my way through this fear, and I dare say that you're a few necks ahead of me on this one!

At 5/27/06, 1:22 PM, Blogger Amy N. said...

That image gives me the willies, but it's a fair representation of what the spider looked like to me.

I can handle spiders outside just fine (except for the baby tarantula I touched while weeding in Arizona), but let one get in the house and I fall apart. One of our hotel rooms in India had smallish black spiders that kept getting in and I would refuse to go in until Tom had checked it thoroughly every time we came back to it.

It's exhausting having this kind of fear and I would love to get over it. I've gotten a little better, so there's hope. Good luck to you!

At 5/31/06, 11:05 PM, Blogger Mridula said...

So you met spiders in hotel rooms in India and yet you want to come back :) I am not scared of spiders but you know I can scared stiff of dogs and any animal that tries to jump on me!

At 6/2/06, 12:25 PM, Blogger Amy N. said...

I'm not going to let a little fear of spiders keep me from coming back! Actually I was expecting far worse, so I was pretty happy.

I think your fear makes more sense since the number of monkeys and stray dogs, etc. seemed to outnumber spiders and can do a lot more damage.


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