Monday, March 27, 2006

Plumber's Crack

There's something a bit off with our shower. Lately it's been offering tepid water or scalding hot water, no in-between. The water shoots directly out of the shower head even with the diverter thingy down, which should mean that it comes out the faucet. It also has a tendency to randomly switch to cold water in the middle of a shower, and then back to hot.

Because I pick the scalding hot option every time, I come out the color of a cherry tomato and walk around in a sweat for the next three hours. This is where you'd think that having a contractor for a husband would come in handy, but he's really booked up right now and he won't return my calls.


At 3/28/06, 8:55 PM, Blogger Jade L Blackwater said...

I'm still the apprentice and my partner is the craftsman when it comes to plumbing around the house... but I'm learning one project at a time!

The last time we encountered something like you're describing, it was because we made the mistake of draining the hot water tank taking showers while the power was out... and then the power came back on, burning out the element in the empty tank. The water got REALLY SUPER HOT, and then it went completely cold. An expensive, but unforgettable lesson. :)

Good luck with yours!

At 3/29/06, 10:56 AM, Blogger Amy N. said...

Ooh, JLB, I've been blaming the whole problem on the faucet because we've had other trouble with it, but maybe it does have something to do with the hot water heater. It is a little on the old side. :)

At 3/30/06, 8:30 PM, Blogger Mridula said...

Hmm, sounds like the shower has developed an attitude!

At 4/3/06, 1:48 PM, Blogger Amy N. said...

Yeah, unfortunately it's the attitude of surly teenager. :)


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