Friday, March 24, 2006

Grill me up, Scotty!

I declare barbeque season officially open! At least in this part of the country.

Our first BBQ meal of the year was Carne Asada with all the trimmings –– grilled yellow pepper, grilled onions, guacamole, tomatoes and grilled tortillas. Tasty!

Last year, feeling slightly traitorous, we made the switch from charcoal, to the cleaner and more convenient gas. I have to admit, having the BBQ ready to cook in just a few minutes, being able to easily regulate the temperature and not getting dirty hands from the charcoal is nice. For some reason though, it makes me feel like I'm getting old. Like when we started sleeping on an air mattress when camping, instead of on the ground in our sleeping bags. But I'm willing to ignore that feeling when it means I can have barbequed chicken a few minutes after the craving strikes.

Have a great weekend and happy grilling!


At 3/26/06, 10:42 PM, Blogger Amy N. said...

I like how you think. Once upon a time, Tom was too addicted to lighter fluid (as in making HUGE flames with it) to think about giving up the charcoal, and I was always pretty sure I'd blow myself up with gas. We'll have to give the mesquite a try.

There's something about grilling that makes veggies taste better than normal, and grilled fruit is tasty, too. Shish kebobs with chicken, pineapple, mushrooms, onion and zucchini are one of my favorite meals.

At 3/29/06, 1:31 PM, Blogger Modigliani said...

That looks GOOD! We recently got a gas grill, too. It is SO good! I don't mind feeling old either when it means BBQ dinner in minutes! :)

At 3/29/06, 6:10 PM, Blogger Amy N. said...

I really love our gas grill and we use it a lot more than the old one, so bring on old age! :)

At 4/4/06, 2:46 AM, Blogger christina said...

That looks delicious! We have a gas grill that we love, but sometimes we break out the charcoal just for old time's sake.:-)

At 4/6/06, 1:57 PM, Blogger Amy N. said...

This is one of our favorite meals. We have the butcher pre-slice the meat so it cooks very quickly.

We gave away our charcoal BBQ so there's no chance of backsliding. ;)


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