Saturday, February 18, 2006

I can dress him up but I still can’t take him out.

I have no children to amuse myself with and Tom won't let me dress him up, so occasionally Cooper has to bear the brunt of my need to torment another living creature. He's pretty good about humoring me and doesn't seem to mind hysterical laughter at his expense, especially if there's a treat involved.

He really has no dignity, so I'm not worried humiliating him. Besides, how else can I pay him back for crawling under my desk and farting while I'm trying to work?


At 2/21/06, 10:06 PM, Blogger Amy N. said...

Hi Pickle,

This all good advice. So far my people don't torture me very often, not nearly as often as they let me get on the couch or even hold me on their laps when I sleep (I pretend I'm still a baby when I get tired at night, suckers!), but I'm going to keep a close eye on them. If they start putting dirty clothes on me, well, FUN'S OVER PEOPLE!

I don't have a girlfriend. I'm only two, so I don't think I'm allowed to date yet, but give me a couple of months.


At 2/26/06, 9:48 PM, Blogger Mridula said...

This is really fun to read, I mean the comments from Pickle and Cooper!


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