Thursday, December 08, 2005

We're here!

We made it! Other than a three-hour delay in Amsterdam, the flights were smooth, quiet and almost turbulence-free. All the seats were equipped with personal entertainment sytems, so we caught up on our movie watching during the flights. Even the delay wasn't bad, because the airline gave us money to buy meals with, so it was a little unplanned relaxation time.

I keep waiting for chaos to show up; so far everything has been far quieter than I expected. I'm sure part of it was our arrival time - 2 a.m. - but the noise and smells I've read so much about have not made an appearance. The taxi ride from the airport was fun; the most exciting part was when our driver shot into a gap between two trucks that was getting smaller by the second. Lines on the road seem to be only a generel guideline and after about the first minute I was rooting for our driver to use his horn even more enthusiastically than he actually was. They truly are a survival mechanism.

Breakfast this morning was a leisurely meal on the rooftop of our hotel. It catches a nice breeze and seems to be sheltered from much of the road noise. Tom's jumping right into trying new food and it's been a successful experiment so far. Our next plan is to wander the market for a bit and maybe venture out a little farther - and hope to find our way back.

I've been writing down impressions and thoughts I've had, so I'll write a longer post later, but I wanted to let everyone know we're here and doing well.


At 12/10/05, 11:59 AM, Blogger Crystal said...

Lily this is so great that you are there in India and on the cusps of a great adventure!! I love markets and I bet the ones in India are colorful and vibrant. You postcard offer was so nice too and I'm sending an e-mail right now! Have fun~~~~

At 12/12/05, 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, you two. Glad to hear you made it to India safely...hope you didn't start the trip too exhausted after all we squeezed in in the last few days before you left town.

Will look forward to move news of your trip.

Have fun!

At 12/12/05, 1:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All is well here...although your 'family' misses you....even Meg is fairly quiet. No attempts to escape by Jake...both dogs are good. Anxious for the next posting and, Mom

At 12/12/05, 9:30 PM, Blogger Modigliani said...

yeah, you made it safely! Great to hear the actual journey over there was actually enjoyable. Can't wait to see some pics you might post and read about your impressions and adventures.

At 12/13/05, 2:35 AM, Blogger Mridula said...

Lily, it was great meeting you and Tom for the dinner. Hope you are enjoying yourself.

At 12/14/05, 5:59 AM, Blogger Amy N. said...

Hi Crystal, I received your email and I'll do my best to send a postcard. People are trying to sell them to us every time we turn around!

Don't worry Erin, the work we did was nothing compared to the long flight. I could really use a slice of that pizza now, though.

Hi mom, as long as Jake has access to the couch he's not going anywhere. Are you drugging Meg? Love, me.

Hi Mo, ditto reading about your move. I'll have a lot to catch up on when we get back.

Mridula, thank you again; we had a great time! Wish it could have been longer.

At 12/14/05, 8:47 PM, Blogger Mridula said...

Lily, I too wish it was longer, but we are somehow conditioned not to stay out till very late and that is why I rushed all of us after dinner. It was great meeting you both.

I thought I saw a new post here, which is not available now?

At 12/16/05, 2:40 AM, Blogger christina said...

Good to know had a safe trip and looking forward to hearing about your adventures!

At 12/16/05, 7:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey peasweet!! Glad you are there safely and having fun!! I miss my friend. Be safe and have fun. Can't wait to get the whole adventure story when you get home. Love T

P.S. Sent you an email


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