Monday, November 14, 2005

Salmonella? Why no, that’s typhoid fever.

In case this is my last post, I want you all to know that I just took the first of four pills containing the live typhoid fever bacteria. Second phase typhoid fever is described thusly:

2nd phase (and clearly the most exciting): in the second to third weeks of the disease, symptoms of intestinal infection are manifested and the fever remains very high and the pulse becomes weak and rapid. In the third week the constipation is replaced by severe pea-soup-like diarrhea. The feces may also contain blood. It is not until the fourth or fifth week that the fever drops and the general condition slowly improves.

With the incubation period, if we do manage to contract typhoid from the vaccine it should hit just as we're leaving and be clearing up just as we return. The good news is that it's treated with antibiotics, of which we already have a generous supply to be taken for the prevention of malaria. I prefer to look at the positive side of things.


At 11/15/05, 3:55 PM, Blogger BPDubs said...

"In the third week the constipation is replaced by severe pea-soup-like diarrhea. The feces may also contain blood."

Dude! This sounds like a blast -- where do I sign up?!?

But in the end, I'm sure the specter of typhoid fever will all be worth it. :)

At 11/15/05, 10:06 PM, Blogger Devilish Angel said...


At 11/15/05, 10:31 PM, Blogger Amy N. said...

bpw, typhoid fever is a strain of salmonella, so you could simulate the above experience simply by nibbling some raw chicken. Otherwise, you'll have to locate someone carrying the fever, make sure they have poor post-loo hygiene and ask them to prepare you some food. Simple.

vanathi, hmmm...indeed.

At 11/17/05, 7:42 PM, Blogger Amy N. said...

Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it) this is what we would have to look forward to if we actually did get typhoid fever, which we're hoping to avoid by taking the pills. It's not very comforting that they only claim to be about 70% effective, but I guess that's better than nothing.

At 11/17/05, 10:22 PM, Blogger Mridula said...

I had typhoid twice as a kid! Though I do not remember much about it apart from missing school and sports, here I am.

At 11/18/05, 9:06 PM, Blogger Crystal said...

Oh Lily, be careful over there! It's so unpleasant to get sick on vacation, my husband has a sensitive stomach and is always paranoid about getting sick. But at least you're equipped with the right tools to prevent it, good luck!

At 11/20/05, 4:23 PM, Blogger Amy N. said...

Mridula, you're probably lucky you don't remember it. It sounds like a similar, but far worse version of food poisoning, which is miserable enough for me.

Thanks Crystal, we will. So far we've never had any serious trouble when we travel. We'll be taking antibiotics every day for malaria, which will probably take care of a lot of problems before they start.

At 11/20/05, 7:28 PM, Blogger Modigliani said...

I'm thinking positive thoughts for you and the strengthening of your immune system! Hope it all goes well. those symptoms sound like a REAL BUMMER!

At 11/20/05, 8:00 PM, Blogger Amy N. said...

Thanks, Mo! So far so good with the pills, so hopefully they're working. I would hate to spend the entire trip being sick, but neither of us get sick very easily, so I'm sure we'll be okay. Positive thinking prevents disease, right?

At 11/5/13, 12:23 AM, Anonymous Fever Patch plester penurun demam dari Rohto said...

Fever Patch plester penurun demam dari Rohto
Fever Patch plester penurun demam dari Rohto
Fever Patch plester penurun demam dari Rohto

At 11/5/13, 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fever Patch plester penurun demam dari Rohto
Fever Patch plester penurun demam dari Rohto
Fever Patch plester penurun demam dari Rohto


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