Friday, September 30, 2005

Regionalism is Alive and Well in Canada

THE SCENE: Sitting at a window table in a "Mexican" restaurant in Victoria. Outside, a reasonably well-dressed man, approximately mid-20s urinates in the bushes apparently unaware (or uncaring) that light from the restaurant has put him at center stage.

FROM THE NEIGHBORING TABLE: "Well, he must be from Saskatchewan."

Really? Is peeing in public so common in Saskatchewan that it's considered an identifying trait? How interesting.


At 10/2/05, 8:31 AM, Blogger Crystal said...

Wow, so Canadian Christina was really onto something when she talked about "Mexican" food being so bad in Germany (Friday post). I LOVE Mexican food, so I'd better not move to Canada or Germany ever! ;-)

At 10/2/05, 11:29 AM, Blogger Amy N. said...

I don't know about "Mexican" in Germany, but the stuff I've had in Canada was nowhere close to the real thing. Greek is a better bet there.

At 10/2/05, 12:33 PM, Blogger christina said...

Hi lily! Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your Saskatchewan story. :-)

At 10/2/05, 12:35 PM, Blogger christina said...

P.S. Great Victoria pictures too! I went to university there and really miss it.

At 10/4/05, 6:44 PM, Blogger Amy N. said...

Hi Christina! Sounds like quite an adventure, moving to Germany. The comment about Saskatchewan especially cracked me up because Canadians (that I've met) usually present a united front about all things Canadian.

Victoria is a beautiful city. I completely understand how you would miss it. Do you go to U Vic?

At 10/5/05, 12:20 PM, Blogger christina said...

Hi Lily - Well, I haven't heard that much "Saskatchewan bashing" - cracked me up too - usually it's the poor Newfoundlanders who get all the flack.

And yes, I went to U Vic and absolutely loved it. Have you heard what they say about Victoria? It's home to three kinds of people: young married couples, retirees and students, aka the newly wed, the nearly dead and the barely fed!

At 10/7/05, 1:23 PM, Blogger Amy N. said...

Come to think of it, I have heard a lot of Newfoundland jokes. Hmmm.

I've never heard that saying about Victoria, but it seems pretty accurate (and funny). I was on the crew team in college and we used to race against U Vic. They were always tough competition.


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