Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Ahhh. . .there's the light.

It's been a very busy week around here. Today was the deadline for the magazine I design and the last week is always a big push to get it finished. Last night I was up working until 4 a.m. and then was up again at 9 a.m. to go back to work. I am uploading the last of the files to the printer's FTP site as I type. That's the down side of working from home; you're always at the office. Tom's also been working long hours and as a result, we haven't had time to go grocery shopping.

Because we ran out of bread four days ago I've been getting inventive with tortillas. I've become addicted (and in such a short time!) to eating them brushed with a little olive oil, sprinkled with garlic salt, cut into wedges and baked until the edges start to brown. I can testify that topping them with egg salad or tuna mixed with Italian dressing doesn't hurt them one bit, either. Once we started scrabbling around the back of the fridge in search of leftovers that weren't too old I decided to make an effort to get to the store ASAP.

My opportunity came today when I took the magazine proofs to UPS. I made an real adventure out of it and stopped by the post office, too. You'd understand if you had ever tried to get in and out of our post office parking lot. It's very tiny and oh-so-busy. Most people choose to disregard the rules of right-away when backing out of their parking spot, which is not good when it causes a chain reaction that ends in me (or anyone else) slamming on the brakes while still in the street. Anyhoo, I digress.

The store was relatively peaceful today and I loaded my cart with goodies. I even managed to get in a check-out lane that moved right along instead of my usual wait for a little old man to count out 87¢ in nickels and pennies and the clerk who chooses the moment right after I finish unloading my cart to go on break and count out her till. Although, I must say, the worst clerk was the one who was trying desperately to keep from projectile vomiting everywhere. I admire her dedication, but seriously. Oops, I digress again. I must be tired or something. Welcome to my stream of thought.

Anyway, I clearly remember paying for groceries, taking three trips to bring them inside from the car and putting it all away. Somehow, though, when I went to make dinner we had nothing to eat! We do have tortillas still. Mmmm, tortillas. My next project is laundry. That's the upside of working from home. There's no one to care if those are the same sweats you wore yesterday.

Just for the record, it does NOT feel good when a half-gallon of ice cream falls from the freezer onto a bare foot.


At 9/29/05, 3:03 PM, Blogger Modigliani said...

Ohhh... Your garlic seasoned tortilla crisps sound yummy! :)

And don't feel bad, I do the same thing after shopping: Open the fridge and complain that there's nothing to eat! ha!

At 9/29/05, 5:45 PM, Blogger Crystal said...

Isn't that just the most wonderful feeling in the world, to finish a project and be done with it! I've been pretty lately too, I'm taking 2 classes and they are starting to heat up, and I miss having free time in the evenings. Icecream on bare feet...well at least you have your dog to lick it up, right? ;-)

At 9/30/05, 1:20 AM, Blogger Mridula said...

Icecream on the bare feet from the freezer! I can understand it not being nice. Are things going to slow down a bit now that the project is out of the way or is it still almost out of the way?

At 9/30/05, 11:47 AM, Blogger Amy N. said...

Aw, JB, thanks. I loved Seinfeld. Your tortilla recipes sound yummy. I like them rolled with butter and raspberry jam, too.

Mo, it seems like it happens all the time. And I think I'll go make some tortilla crisp right now.

Crystal, it does feel good to finish a big project. Fortunately the magazine is published every other month, so I get some slow time between issues. These are your last two classes aren't they? Talk about finishing a big project! Sadly, the ice cream was still in the container, which is why it hurt so badly.

Mridula, the biggest part is done. There'll be another few days of work reviewing proofs and making changes, but that's pretty minor stuff. Then it starts all over with the next issue. It's challenging, though and I love it.


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