So much for proving my existence
We're off to New Zealand now. You can join us over here.
Because he treats the Kleenex box like a snack dispenser.
I wanted to write a quick post to prove that I still exist. The last several weeks have been a blur with traveling, family visits and work. Hopefully things will slow down soon and I'll get a chance to write a decent post.
It's been a busy week of working and getting ready for our trip to Alaska next week. Any time we go on vacation I feel like I should clean the house from top to bottom before we leave. I don't know if it's misguided attempt to prevent anyone from finding out how messy we truly are in case we don't make it back, but it's pretty ridiculous.
An old friend called the other day. The last time we spoke was during an exchange of letters not long before I left Arizona, more than five years ago. She also moved at about the same time and in the process we lost touch with each other. The occasional internet search turned up nothing on her, but as it turned out, she's also been looking for me and finally found my number.
Last week, Tom thought he was having a particularly bad allergy attack. Well, turns out it was a cold. Now he's passed the disease torch to me and I am suffering.